PakEnergy Blog | Oil & Gas Solutions

WolfePak Golf Shirt & Free Dinner at Abilene Conference

Written by Testing Admin | Sep 22, 2017 12:54:57 AM

Only in Abilene!!
The First 60 Attendees Showing Up at the Door Will Receive a FREE WolfePak Golf Shirt!

Meet Joel, he’s a real-life WolfePak employee modeling our real-life WolfePak golf shirt.  Sizes and colors vary.  Come to Abilene to get your free shirt AND enjoy a home-cooked evening social & dinner meal prepared by the WolfePak staff!New This Year!!
Don’t Miss the FREE WolfePak Evening Social and Dinner at all 3 Conferences!
(if you’ve already declined and would like to change your registration please email us and let us know)

In addition to all this free “stuff”, you’ll also get 3 tracks of amazing WolfePak classes you won’t want to miss!  Check out the class descriptions!

Now all that’s left to do is register (if you haven’t already)!
Register today to see how we’re going to help you grow with WolfePak!

Also, don’t forget:  Lots of door prizes, including a Kodak Scanner, Apple iPad Air & many more…
Prizes will be at EACH Conference!