Download the Latest Year-End Update for WolfePak!
At this time of year it’s more important than ever to keep your accounting software up to date! If you’re a WolfePak SAAS (Software as a Service) user, your software is already up to date!
Prevent entering in dates with the WRONG YEAR!! We recommend that you keep your posting allowed date range to be within at most 2-3 months open at any time. For example, if you are still entering items for 2016, then change your posting allowed date range to be from 12/01/2016 thru 02/28/2017.
This will prevent you from accidentally keying in something for January 2016 AND will prevent entries into December 2017.
Except for ACA Reporting (to be completed AFTER the IRS updates our 2016 Software Code which should be any day now), we believe this is the bulk of the year-end changes. However, as we discover other states updating their tax tables or Congress doing additional changes either retroactively or otherwise, we’ll make the appropriate changes and issue new versions. This time of year, it would be a good practice to download again prior to finalizing your reporting.
Please download at your earliest convenience (only if you are not a SAAS user)!